Revelation was not sent down (once for all) in one (complete) book such as the Veda? The Bible and the Qoran differ so little, in other words, they are at one withĮach other in most things, it is, therefore, reasonable to ask why the
He had not, it was useless for Him to reveal the Qoran. It might be asked if God had forgotten to write anything in the latter book. Revealed? If it be argued that the Qoran is more comprehensive than the Bible, Qoran? But if they do, where is then the necessity for the Qoran to be
Not the Mohammedans believe in that book in the same way as they do in the Then work at all? If it is permissible to have faith also in the Bible, why do Own treasury without any exertion on their part or paying heed to their meritsĪnd demerits? If He does, why does He not do the same for all, and why do the Mohammedans Mohammedans) with the necessary cash to defray all their expenses out of His Qoran is of no use, since the pious are already treading the right path withoutĮxtrinsic aid, while the wicked are not directed by it. Arrogance on the part of God to praise His own book? The revelation of the